Sobre nosotros

Hello and welcome to This a space where we can gather as a lesbian community and laugh, love, engage, share memories, art, music, film and movies, share stories, advice, date, vent, declare love and support lesbian businesses. My name is Tayvia The Writer, and I am the CEO and founder of I am an author, songwriter and screenwriter originally from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, but now reside in Atlanta, Georgia. I have been writing for over twenty years and it is a huge part of my life. I've been a lesbian practically my whole life. I've always dreamt of creating a space for my urban lesbian community where we can be ourselves, enjoy one another's work and art, share our stories and lives and support one another. My ultimate dream and goal is to turn my two books of black lesbian erotic stories and poetry "She Loves Her" and She Loves Her too, Different Shades Of Rainbow" into a TV series for a major streaming platform. Thank you for supporting my site, and I hope it brings our community closer together and gives you all something positive and entertaining to look forward to in your daily lives. There are three subscription tier options to access the content for this site. There's monthly for $1.99 a month. Yes I mean $1.99. I wanted to make it affordable for everyone. The next option is $6.99 for 6 months, and the last is $12.99 per year. Each subscription also comes with a one week free trial, and subscriptions can be canceled at anytime. If you would like to submit content for any of the categories on the site, please feel free to email me at Thank you again for visiting and enjoy!

Tayvia The Writer